작성일 : 12-07-30 15:02
Paper Accepted for publication in the Journal of the Korean Physical Society
 글쓴이 : webmaster
조회 : 5,480  
Authors : Sanghyeon Baeg, Soonyoung Lee, Geun Yong Bak, Hyunsoo Jeong, and Sang Hoon Jeon
Title : Comparative Study of MC-50 and ANITA Neutron Beams by Using 55 nm SRAM
This paper is accepted for publication in the Journal of the Korean Physical Society.
  Single event upset (SEU) is mainly caused by the neutrons in terrestrial environment. In addition, SEU effects become more and more
problematic as technology scales. It is therefore important to understand the SEU behaviors of semiconductor devices under neutron
reactions. ANITA (Atmospheric-like Neutrons from thick Target) in TSL (The Svedberg Laboratory), Sweden resembles the neutron energy
and flux spectrum at the terrestrial level and is typically used to estimate soft error rate (SER). On the other hand, the neutron energy and
flux spectrum from MC-50 cyclotron in KIRAMS (Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) differs greatly from the atmospheric
environment. The main objective of this work is finding the efficacy of neutron beam in KIRAMS for SEU analysis by comparative analysis;
55nm SRAM is used to determine SEU difference under the beams at the two different locations. Since MCU (Multi-Cell Upset) is the
dominant effect in emerging technologies with smaller critical charges, MCU cross-sections from the two different beam tests are compared.


Total 18
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