작성일 : 15-01-10 23:59
Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci.
 글쓴이 : webmaster
조회 : 5,723  
Title : 
Stuck Bits Study in DDR3 SDRAMs using 45-MeV Proton Beam

Authors : 
Chulseung Lim, Hyun Soo Jeong, Geunyong Bak, Sanghyeon Baeg, Shi-Jie Wen, and Richard Wong

Appears in : 
Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science

Abstract— This work shares the observations of stuck bits by proton beam in DDR3 components in 3x-nm technologies. The DDR3 SDRAMs from four major DRAM manufacturers were tested with a 45-MeV proton beam at an operating frequency of 800 MHz. The beam exposure resulted in single bit upset (SBU) and multiple bit upsets (MBUs), as well as single and multiple stuck bits in a word due to micro-dose and displacement damage effects. The number of stuck bits reduced as the refresh interval duration was decreased. Moreover, for the tested samples, the stuck bits were recovered completely and could be run in the normal operation mode after annealing at 150 ºC. The occurrence of multiple stuck bits in a word was likely due to damages to the control logic and those stuck bits were recovered as well after annealing at 150 ºC.


Total 18
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